Leadsier, B2B Lead Generation Company San Francisco | Increase your revenue with with our B2B Lead Generation Services

What is B2B Lead Generation...as a Service ?

Unless you’re a total beginner in sales and marketing you’ll know that Lead Generation is just generating leads for business to increase the amount of contact with potential customers to then increase sales, right? But what is B2B Lead Generation as a service?

B2B Lead generation as a service is outsourcing your business’ lead generation strategy. Here at Leadsier this is what we specialize in. We take care of all the time-consuming heavy lifting to enable you to gain leads whilst still being able to run your business at full capacity and produce a top-class service to your current customers. This saves you the valuable cost of time.

Why should you Outsource your Lead Generation to a company like us in San Francisco ?

You’ve probably heard of lead generation services and you’ve probably wondered what they are and how they could help your business, well we wish we could write a paragraph and tell you, but the truth is they’re different for every business in every industry. B2B lead generation services as a whole is a group of experts who carry out sales and marketing strategies and tactics for you that will generate leads for your business. 

Outsourcing your b2b lead generation with Leadsier means that our group of sales and marketing experts will be carrying out research on leads, identifying the best ones for your business and organising phone calls, video or face-to-face appointments on your behalf. This saves you a substantial amount of time and effort and allows you to keep your business running and supply your current clients and customers with top-quality service without the worries of gaining new business at the back of your mind.

We will contact 500 prospects on your behalf each week!

At Leadsier it’s not about taking over. It’s about taking part.

We understand that it can be daunting just handing over your growth strategy to an outsider. However, with Leadsier you don’t have to wonder what we are up to because our experts will let you know every step of the way.

Firstly we will discuss and converge with you on your sales and marketing objectives and campaign ideas so we make sure they are 100% tailored to your business. Every step will then be approved by you before any action is implemented. 

lead generation
lead generation

Outbound And Inbound Lead Generation Channels

We use two channels to generate leads:: 

  • Outbound b2b Lead Generation 
  • Inbound b2b Lead Generation

Outbound b2b Lead Generation 

Outbound Lead Generation is where you reach out and approach your potential customers with your marketing strategy and get your content and services in front of them, stealing their attention.

Inbound b2b Lead Generation 

Inbound Lead Generation is different, inbound marketing is when you create content and have your potential customers approach you.

For example
If you were walking down the street and someone stops you and hands you a leaflet promoting their business, or someone sends you an email directly this is outbound marketing. If you were walking down the street and a poster that is promoting a business catches your eye and you go over and read it, or if you come across an offer on a website, this is inbound marketing.

Exploring and Identifying Lead Opportunities

At Leadsier we will take care of every step to generate more revenue for your business; from exploring potential leads all the way to scheduling a meeting between you and the prospect. First of all, we have to explore your target market for leads and identify which leads will suit your business and which ones have the best chance of success.

This is how we do it:

Finding Your Target Buyers

Firstly we will discuss with you about your target market, gather their demographic, geographic, and psychographic details. This includes information such as their age, gender, location, interests, and attitudes towards certain topics. This allows us to narrow down the market and be targeted in our approach.  After establishing your audience, we will develop the strategy that will be best to generate sales from your ideal buyers.

Creating Lists of Prospects

After we have gathered all of the information and establish your ideal customer profile we will create a list of potential customers. We build this list using the newest and up-to-date databases in the industry. Our lists will provide thousands of potential B2B leads for your business.

Gather More Data And contacts the potentials clients

Once our list of prospects is complete we then look into each prospect in more detail, analyzing similarities and differences which helps us with things such as retargeting and narrowing the target audience.

We want to find the most precise viable market that will crave your product or services and turn them into brand apostles. 

Analysis and Closing

Finally, we run a trial or two and see who showed interest in your offer. We analyze the data, send out more information to the potential customers, and double-check if they are in our targeted market segment. When we know both sides have understood each other and we know they are what you’re looking for then we will set up a meeting. 

Leadsier can help you connect with your potential market and generate sales no matter what stage of your marketing strategy you are at. 

Our B2B Lead Generation Strategies & Tactics in San Francisco

There are hundreds of strategies and tactics that can be used to generate B2B leads today. We will generate your leads by using different sales and marketing tactics including:

B2B Lead Generation

We’ve told you how we start, by discussing and converging with you to find out the most we can about you and your target customer so we can conduct on your behalf and carry your business’ ethos in the best way possible. We then conduct some lead forensics to discover more about the market itself to find out where your target audience is and both get their attention and take leads to them directly using a series of methods including the following.

Lead Outreach

Lead Outreach is the next step of the process, this is where we start to send out the initial leads to see how many responses we get and can gather the data on responses to see if there are any patterns in our responses, are similar people responding or people who hang out in similar locations, this helps us when we are sending out future leads we can skip any methods or locations where we never got leads initially. All the leads and methods of Outreach are different depending on what you are marketing and who your target audience is.

Inbound Generation

Inbound Lead generation is where we create a lead and put it on a platform or in a place where your target customer is going to come across it. They’re going to notice it. We can put these on your website or other areas such as social media where your customer hangs out. This is also good for generating leads from current customers, they’re already hanging out on your website, store and social media, maybe they’ll see a lead for new products or services or see the lead and tell their friends about it. This could be anything from an ad to a contact form or a free audit for something we think they will be interested in.

Outbound Generation

Outbound Generation is where we take the leads to your potential buyers. After discussing and analysing your target market with you, we narrow it down to a perfect customer profile, we will then search for people and businesses that meet our criteria and get in contact with them through a series of methods such as emails, phone calls and messages to introduce them to you and what you do and provide them with a call to action that they can carry out if they are interested such as give them a link to your website to find out more, offer them a free audit or offer on what services you are selling or just an opportunity to provide contact details that they would be happy for us to contact again to talk in further detail about you and what you are offering as a business. 


Google Ads and Facebook Ads are a fantastic way to get noticed and get your leads out there. The great thing about Leadsier taking care of your Ads campaigns is that we have the best and most up-to-date tools available to check what the latest trends are and see what kind of Google searches are getting the best volume of tracking. 

By using these tools we can get your google ads in front of potentially thousands of more potential b2b customers per month.

Social Media Leads

Back in the good old days when people used to hang out at malls, cinemas, stores, concerts, conferences and everything else, it was easy to get leads from places like this. For example, if you were a marketer and were wanting to create new relationships and build your clientele, you would be at every b2b sales and marketing seminar and conference you could be at to promote your services and learn more about your market.

Now where do we hang out? On our phones! In 2020 do you know what the average time people spent on social media per day? 3 hours. A day. 21 hours a week.1095 hours a year, that’s over 45 days! So you understand why it’s so important for your business and your brand to be on social media, whether you have an account and are producing content or whether you’re just advertising. It’s somewhere you need to be.

Facebook Ads

One of the biggest and most important social media platforms out there is Facebook. It’s definitely the most popular, Facebook has over 2.8 Billion monthly active users and this is only going to grow.

Similar to Google Ads, Facebook Ads are fantastic for gathering leads and making sales, you can set them up to get in front of your target audience so fast and so easy and just like google ads, the more money you invest the more ads you get. What also makes this a great form of PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is that Facebook also owns Instagram – another social media giant with over 1 billion monthly active users – this makes it easy to connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts and get your ads out on both!

LinkedIn Outreach

LinkedIn – the social media platform for business, what a place! Promoting in front of and connecting with people on LinkedIn is so effective for b2b sales and marketing because that is what the platform is all about, business! 

With over ¾ of a billion users on LinkedIn, there are plenty of opportunities to get in front of specific audiences and connect with potential b2b clients or influencers within your target community which opens up many doors for leads and potential new sales and clientele.


Automation in b2b marketing is using technology and software to conduct marketing for you. This could be things like posting content for you, live chatbots on your site connecting with customers to try and hurry up the sales process, running your ad campaigns, sending out your email marketing and another little trick we have up our sleeve at Leadsier is our own little secret.. let’s just say we employ robots to reach out to potential clients and send out leads to over 2000 potential customers per month which should bring multiple leads over the space of a week.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is by far one of the most important parts of your b2b lead generation and sales and marketing strategy and something we take very seriously at Leadsier. It’s one of the best tactics out there. You can send leads to literally thousands of people but you’re not going to get any responses if your content doesn’t connect with your audience. 

Content marketing can literally be the difference between making a sale or not. Studies show that the average consumer will read 5 pieces of your content before getting in touch about your service or product. Content can be anything from an email, what’s on your website, a blog where you can create a schedule for blog posting to keep in contact with your customers regularly or even video content, video content is becoming increasingly popular these days, especially with younger audiences.

Content marketing is how you build your trust in your audience and building trust with them leads to building trust with their friends and family, creating a bigger audience and increasing your chance of more sales. 

Storytelling through Content

The best thing about content marketing that allows you to build trust and convert sales is storytelling. Storytelling is the oldest form of marketing known to man and a key factor in content marketing. Just think, what is the first thing you wanna do after you hear an amazing story that connects with you? You wanna tell it to someone else.

One of the best examples of storytelling content marketing is energy drink market giants, Red Bull. Red Bull, started by an Austrian businessman, Dietrich Mateschitz, who drank an energy drink called “Krating Daeng” – meaning red gaur (bull) in thai –  to cure his jetlag after landing in Thailand on a business trip. He was amazed and decided to bring it back to Austria. Even though there was no market for energy drinks in Europe… so Mateschitz decided to create one. This is where the storytelling begins.

Once back in Austria, countries such as Germany weren’t sure about the drink and immediately banned it. Red Bull used this to their advantage and told stories of their “Outlaw Drink” this had people from surrounding countries travelling to Austria to purchase Red Bull… Red Bull sold 1 million cans in their first year.

Red Bull also doesn’t produce the drink, it outsources the production, why? Because it’s cheaper, and what does Red Bull do with the money it saves on production? Invests it in marketing. Red Bull now owns Multiple sports teams, racing teams and many athletes in extreme sports… and still makes more money from their energy drink because the sports allow them to tell stories, every sport in every big city in the world, Red Bull is there.

The best storytelling content marketing maybe ever was Red Bull’s “Stratos” campaign. This was when Felix Baumgartner, an Austrian Red Bull Skydiver jumped from 24 miles high in the stratosphere, free-falling at over 800mph for almost 5 minutes before parachuting back to earth. 

Red Bull streamed the whole thing live on over 80 tv stations across the world, they also got an impressive 52 million views through their stream which was shared over almost 300 digital partners’ channels and 8 million views on their Youtube Video Channel, making this most-viewed live stream in history (that is a lot of leads). $50 million was put into the stream by Red Bull, coverage experts are now saying it was worth $6 Billion.

The marketing was unbelievable, every single shot in that stream had a Red Bull logo in it somewhere. The jump was a massive success, a new world record, and sales increased by almost 10% in the following 6 months making over $1.5 Billion and they then went on to sell 5.2 Billion cans of Red Bull the following year.

How did they do this? Easy. They told a good story.